Monday 11 February 2013

Stan the Blacksmith II - The Hawker Hind

As I mentioned earlier, my Dad was a blacksmith for 40 years in Lincolnshire. However his creative skills started before his life employment. In about 1934 when Dad was 14, he went to the coast, which was a couple of miles away, to see a squadron of 'Hawker Hind' light bomber bi-planes doing practice bombing runs from RAF North Cotes. They flew down the beach and dropped bombs at Donna Nook. (this still happens today with US and RAF fighter jets). Dad wrote to Hawker, the Hind manufacturers and they sent him a small blueprint with top, side and front scale elevations of the plane. Using these plans, Dad built the plane shown above from pine using a penknife, bradawls and small bits and pieces. The wires stabilizing the two wings is made from electrical fuse wire. Dad continued modelling after he retired and made several agricultural ploughs. I will post about these sometime. (Incidentally the water color on the wall behind Dad is a picture of a Hawker Hind that I painted for him).

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